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Cheri Leyva, Life Coach, sitting on the beach holding her Bible

Deepening connection with God, yourself, and others through coaching


My Friend!

Are you feeling stuck in the same old routine? Are you trying to make changes, but fall back into old habits? Have you lost sight of yourself pleasing others, that you don’t recognize your own needs? Maybe you lost your passion for serving and connecting with God and want to experience the excitement you once felt. Are you tired of the diet merry-go-round and want a fresh perspective in caring for your body?


If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions,

I would love to work with you!


Cheri Leyva, Faith Based Wellness Coach, wearing a hat at the beach
Cheri Leyva sitting on a fence on a beach boardwalk and holding her Bible

I help women connect with their true self, stepping into who God created them to be. We will go deep, discovering how your thoughts and feelings drive behavior to make changes that last a lifetime. You will learn how to set boundaries and how to have honest conversations with the people you love. You will exchange lies you have believed about yourself with God’s truth. I will help you discover solutions to life’s problems that are within you through powerful questions.


If this is the life you want to create, let’s talk!


It would be an honor to work with you, sharing what I have learned both personally and professionally as you step into your truest self.


I hope to talk with you soon and learn how I can serve you!



What to Expect?

Welcome to Surrendered Faith Coaching. This is the first step toward a deeper relationship with yourself, God, family, friends, and the world around you.
Coaching is present, and future focused. It is action oriented, where you will set goals for yourself each session. We will focus you on a larger, singular goal while setting smaller actionable goals each week, making progress toward your overall goal driven by your desire to change.
I will support you in exploring new ways to view situations, individuals, possibilities, and the results you want to achieve. This type of self-discovery can be uncomfortable. There may be times when learning uncovers the way your actions play a part in situations you want to change. I will support you in this process and be your champion in new learning opportunities.
The coaching appointment is 50 minutes. It is client centered, focused, and driven. Each session begins with the client choosing a topic to discuss. I will ask questions to help shift your perspective, which changes your outlook on life and your relationships. Each session ends with you choosing an action for the week based on what you learned during the session.
​If this has your curiosity peaked, or you have more questions, book your complimentary session today! 

Areas of Focus

My coaching principles are based on 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.
"Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful and he will surely do it" (ESV).

We are declared completely righteous the moment our spirit said "Yes" to the Holy Spirit because we are covered by the blood of Jesus. From that moment on, we are in the process of being sanctified, made holy and more like Jesus. Coaching can be part of that process as we partner with the Holy Spirit in each session.
Our spirit is the deepest part of us and is our connection with God. We have been given God's Spirit so we can have intimate relationship with Him. We will spend time communicating with the Holy Spirit, seeking divine revelation, wisdom, and encouragement.
Our soul consists of our mind, will, emotions, and personality. We will look at how your thoughts create emotions that drive behavior. We will dive into your Enneagram Type to help you understand yourself more completely.
Our bodies are the vehicle in which we move around this world and yet it is called the temple of the Holy Spirit. Here we will focus on changing how you view and care for your body that is honoring to God, but also to yourself.
God has a purpose for all of us. Have you found your purpose? Do you have a burning desire to accomplish something big or small, but are unsure how to go about it? We will discover your purpose and create a plan to fully walk in it as you serve God and others.
What is the Enneagram
The Enneagram is an accurate and insightful personality typing system. The word Enneagram comes from two Greek words Ennea, which means nine, and Gramma, which means something drawn or written. It is a typology of nine interconnected personality types and how they relate to one another to make up our own unique personality.

What makes the Enneagram different from other personality assessments is that it gets to our core motivations. Each type has a different core fear, weakness, desire, and longing that are the driving force behind our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our core fear is what we run away from or try to avoid. Our core desire is what we strive for or believe will bring us fulfillment. Last, our core weakness is the issue we struggle with, and our core longing is the message that our heart longs to hear. These motivations shape how we see the world and the people around us.

The childhood messages we picked up at a very early age helped shape our core motivations and desires. Once we accepted Christ into our lives, we are a new creation. The old way of being has passed away and we are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are a child of God, but we often live as orphans, believing the lies we have told ourselves for years. Using the Enneagram from a gospel centered perspective, we can recognize when we act in or out of alignment with the gospel truth.

When we understand the undercurrent of what motivates us, we can walk into the new life God has called us to. I invite you on this journey of self-discovery through the Enneagram.

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“This life coaching experience has helped me to move forward in my current life goals. I was in a state of “paralysis of analysis” and Cheri was able to take me (with such care) out of that space.
She coached me to work through what was blocking me. She helped me set achievable step by step goals to move me forward. I am so grateful to be standing in this place and space, knowing that she played a large part of helping me to get to where I am today."

Shannon, CA (Type 4)

Cheri Leyva is under the pier with no shoes and her feet in the water

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