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Cheri Leyva, Wellness Coach, leaning against the pier at the beach

The Full Story

Hi There, I'm Cheri Leyva


As I look back on my Christian life, awareness of God started the moment I asked him into my life. Well, it actually started before that. My friends shared with me who Jesus was when I was little. My friend and her sister invited me to a Christian concert when I was a teenager. As a young adult, it was those memories that drew me to want a deeper connection with God. When I accepted Jesus, that was the launching off point. There was no turning back.
I struggled with low self-worth, but God told me just how precious I am to Him. He showed me His great love by lavishing me with flowers in His own special way. He marked the journey by changing my name to Faith. One night, I was reading about Simon and how Jesus changed his name to Peter. I asked God, “If you were to change my name, what would it be?”

In my heart, I heard Faith.

Cheri Leyva leaning against staircase on the beach

Little did I know in that moment, there was a shift, receiving what I believe is my spiritual gift.
God strengthened my faith as I raised my children as a single-working mother. He always provided for me and my children, just as He provides for the lilies in the fields. He showed me how to wait patiently, and sometimes, not so patiently, for the love of my life. God showed Himself faithful, reminding me He always fulfills His promises. He taught me what surrendered faith is as I watched someone I love dearly sink into the depths of addiction. Once again, God fulfilled His promise to me that my loved one would be clean. It’s difficult to trust God when you have absolutely no control. But isn’t that the reality of life? We fool ourselves, thinking we have control, but we never know what each day will bring. 

God was faithful to walk with me through the desert of self-healing. I think this was the hardest part of the journey for me as I looked at my pain rather than covering it up with long hours of work, alcohol, food, staying busy with serving, and blaming others. I would do anything to avoid the pain until I couldn’t avoid it anymore. He helped me pick myself up after hitting rock bottom. That season taught me to love myself as God loves me. I appreciate how God created me with my unique thoughts, feelings, needs, and passions. I learned to embrace the areas that I don’t like because, through my weakness, God shows up.

This is how the fruit of the Spirit produces character.

Heart drawn in the sand around a footprint and a Bible

Are you ready to write your story of Surrendered Faith?

It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lifetime. We want everything to happen now, instantly, but are we ready to enjoy the journey? Even when the journey gets tough? God is walking beside us, wanting to produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). We cannot produce these fruits on our own, the Holy Spirit produces them by working through us. No matter how intimate our relationship is with God, He always wants to take us deeper. He wants more for us than we could ever imagine.
How intimately is your life joined to God through the power of the Holy Spirit?

Are you ready to allow God to take you deeper into a relationship with Him?

What are you willing to let go of in exchange for a better way of living?

Is your faith in God greater than your fear of facing the pain?

Do you see and love yourself as God sees and loves you?  
I have faced these questions and come through to the other side. I will be honest, the work is hard. It can be scary, but our God is faithful. He goes before us and will never leave our side on the journey. It would honor me to walk this path alongside you.



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Considered by many to be a top coach in her field, Cheri Leyva is a certified life and Enneagram coach, a relationship, and health & wellness coach. She graduated from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in Christian Counseling and helps clients shift their mindset around lies they believe and creating deeper connection with God, themselves, and others. She is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and the International Coaching Federation.


BS in Christian Counseling, Certified YEC Enneagram Coach, YEC Becoming Us Marriage and Family Coach Endorsement, Certified Life Coach, Certified Relationship Coach, Certified Health & Wellness Coach.
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